Worship with us every Sunday morning
in person or online at 10:30 am

United Church of Bernardston Statement of Purpose

We, the people of the United Church of Bernardston, seek to be a community of Christians who celebrate and are receptive to the voice of God. We celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of each expression of God’s diverse family as well as our oneness in Christ. As we seek to live out our mission to live Christ’s compassion and promote justice, healing and wholeness of life, we invite and welcome into our community persons of every gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, mental and physical ability/disability, age, race, nationality, economic and social status, faith background, marital standing, and family structure. We invite all to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, missions, worship, sacraments, responsibilities, blessings and joys of our church family as we seek to grow together in faith and love.

“For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them.” Matthew 8:20

Office Hours: Monday-Friday
9:00 am-12 pm
413-648-9306 / UCBernardston@gmail.com

This Week’s Worship Bulletin

This Week’s Chatter

Facebook Video Stream

Join us on Facebook Live every Sunday at 10:30.

Join us for our weekly Worship Service, held Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.    

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation (United Church of Christ designation) and Reconciling Ministries Congregation (per the United Methodist designation).  All are welcome to worship with us.

Communion is served during the Worship Service held on the first Sunday of every month. Children leave for Sunday School following a children's message. Visit with your friends and neighbors in Fellowship Hall following the Sunday service. Nursery care is available.

United Church is fully accessible for all with two elevators and a wheelchair ramp. Large print hymnals and pew bibles are available. Hearing devices are provided upon request.